What is a simple, advanced and qualified electronic signature?
Simple electronic signature (EES)
The simple electronic signature has only a very low level of security and cannot replace a handwritten signature. It can replace a signature, for example, with the help of a graphic inserted in a document. Alternatively, the name at the end of an e-mail is sufficient. This form of signature is used, for example, for contracts, documentation, orders and protocols. It is used in more than 80% of all electronic signatures.
Advanced electronic signature (FES)
This type of signature is used, for example, for company agreements, patent, trademark or copyright contracts.
- It is uniquely assigned to the signatory.
- It enables the signatory to be identified.
- It is created using electronic signature creation data that the signer can use with a high degree of confidence under his sole control.
- It is linked to the data signed in this way in such a way that subsequent alteration of the data can be detected.
Qualified electronic signature (QES)
- Has all the characteristics of the Advanced Electronic Signature.
- Also requires a qualified certificate issued by a recognized provider.
- Additional validation: Hardware (chip card, card reader) Code via SMS, PIN entry.