DiALOG Club '22: Successful TQG event for digital trendsetters
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(Böblingen) At the V8 HOTEL in Böblingen, Steffen Schaar, technical director and moderator of the DiALOG Club, welcomed the participants:inside to the DiALOG Club Ring. "We are happy to be your host again. Look forward to hot duels on the keynote straight, exciting maneuvers in the compliance chicane and the legal hairpin. Experience who comes through the Future Curve the best. Start with us at full throttle into the digital age."
An important fixed component of the event concept is the annual meeting of the LCM UserGroup, where users:inside exchanged, networked and inspired each other over two days. Ralf Liebig, Head of Product Management at TQG, and his team presented exciting topics and new features for the upcoming smartLCM high-rise software release. He also gave a glimpse into the future and what can be expected from the TQG businessApp platform® in the coming years. Field reports from users for users rounded off the successful and informative UserGroup meeting.
"Whoever was not present here has certainly missed something," summed up one user. "It's quite different to see the new features live and ask questions directly. That exchange is priceless."
She adds, "To exchange ideas with the service team directly and personally, to experience how other companies and users master their digital everyday life and to do so entirely in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, there is simply no more direct way to information. As every year, it's an absolute must to be here!"
In keeping with the motto "Full speed ahead into the digital future", a party was held in the pit lane for all participants at the end of the first day of the event. In a relaxed atmosphere, those who wanted to could test their skills in the Hoverboard Arena, on the Virtual Racing Simulator or on the Carrera Race Track at the party in the pit lane.
"We are looking forward to seeing all customers, interested parties and fans again at the next club," Ralf Liebig looks ahead. "The LCM UserGroup and DiALOG Club '23 will be held in Heilbronn on October 19/20."