Digital Signature
Standard signature workflow for all technologically provided external 3rd party integrations such as Adobe Sign or DocuSign.
German, English (others on request)AREAS OF APPLICATION
ApprovalApp Details
• Input/selection of partners to be signed
• Transfer of documents/data with labeling to 3rd party tool
• Tracking until response from 3rd party tool via API
• Storage of the signed documents
• No additional DocuSign/Adobe-SSO necessary
• for separate contract/file types (selective blocking possible)
New: With the introduction of the TQG Sign eSignature solution, you now have eSignature software that can be customised precisely to your required contract signing process.
• Input/selection of partners to be signed
• Transfer of documents/data with labeling to 3rd party tool
• Tracking until response from 3rd party tool via API
• Storage of the signed documents
• No additional DocuSign/Adobe-SSO necessary
• for separate contract/file types (selective blocking possible)
New: With the introduction of the TQG Sign eSignature solution, you now have eSignature software that can be customised precisely to your required contract signing process.