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EVB-IT contracts

The EVB-IT system for the successful management of all IT contracts

The Supplementary Contract Terms for the Procurement of IT Services (EVB-IT) provide a structured basis in public administration for the effective and transparent drafting of contracts in the area of IT procurement.

Developed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the EVB-IT create a framework that optimally takes into account the interests of both clients and contractors in the IT sector.

The aim of the EVB-IT is to clearly regulate a solution for the legal, economic and technical aspects of IT projects and thus ensure legal certainty for all contracting parties. The standardised regulations are intended to make the procurement of IT services more efficient and create uniform conditions for all parties involved.

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The electronic contract system - manage all documents securely and reliably

The switch to innovative and digital solutions in public administration not only offers a significant increase in efficiency, but also helps to optimise the use of resources. A key element is the introduction of e-files and digital contracts, which enable seamless integration into processes.

The advantages of contract software:

  • Security and data protection: Secure encryption of documents
  • Increased efficiency: Easy creation, editing and sharing of documents. Automation with the help of artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Audit security: Seamless documentation, adherence to compliance guidelines is fulfilled
  • Space saving and environmental protection: Reduction of required space, protection of the environment
  • Flexibility and mobility: documents can be viewed regardless of location
  • Digital signature: Away from time-consuming signatures via paper transfers: Integration of digital signatures

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Structured import of EVB-IT contracts

The introduction of DocumentIQ significantly supports the digital transformation of business processes. This function sets new standards through flexible document design and intelligent data capture.

By using input fields in the MS Word templates, the values entered in them can be transferred directly to your contract management system.

  • Direct transfer of values to your contract management system
  • Saves time (no duplication of effort)
  • Avoidance of errors
  • Contradictory information and missing data are excluded by rules

The introduction of DocumentIQ emphasises smartLCM Contract Management continuous willingness to innovate. Companies that rely on intelligent data capture and flexible document design will find DocumentIQ a powerful solution for their digital transformation.

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E-Government in public administration

Efficiency and proximity to citizens thanks to the digitalisation of all business processes: Being in close contact with citizens, companies, organisations, federal, state and local authorities - this is the goal in public administration services. And with the digitalisation of business processes, this goal can also be achieved.

Public administration has evolved significantly in recent years. In order to meet the increasing demands of the digital era, the keyword is electronic government (also known as e-government, e-administration or e-government) - the innovative concept for organising processes more efficiently and promoting proximity to citizens through digital solutions. Digital solutions in e-government

Digital solutions in E-Government:

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Online forms
For the uncomplicated processing of applications (registration certificate, tax return, etc.)
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Electronic file management
For the efficient management of documents (accessible anytime and anywhere, protected)
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Citizen portal
For smooth interaction between citizens and authorities (information requests, making appointments, submitting applications)

Benefit from our EVB-IT contract management solutions

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Simple creation and filling of EVB-IT contracts:

  • Fill in contracts directly in MS Word
  • Simply save the automatically created file in the contract management system
  • Recognise filling errors immediately (contradictory information, missing information, etc.)
  • Easily create analyses and reports
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Centralised storage of all EVB-IT contracts in one system:

smartLCM - Your powerful system for contract management

Wusstest du schon folgendes über die EVB-IT Verträge?

Entstehung und Hintergründe der EVB-IT Verträge

Im Jahr 1972 wurden die BVB Besonderen Vertragsbedingungen eingeführt und regelten die Beschaffung von Informationstechnik in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Durch die Einführung der EVB-IT wurde eine Modernisierung und Anpassung der Vertragsgrundlagen an die heutigen Anforderungen der Informationstechnologie sichergestellt.

Die 11 EVB-IT Vertragstypen

Die Verträge untergliedern sich in zwei Typen (diese Verträge sind in verschieden Dateiformaten (u.a. in den Formaten PDF und MS-Word) auf der Webseite der Bundesregierung für Informationstechnik zum Download bereitgestellt).

Basis-EVB-IT Verträge:
  • EVB-IT Kauf
    • Dieser Basisvertrag ist beim Kauf zur unbefristeten Nutzung von Hardware und gegebenenfalls von Standardsoftware anzuwenden.
  • EVB-IT Cloud
    • Für den Basisvertrag EVB-IT Cloud sind die Vereinbarungen zu Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Managed Cloud Services (MCS) und Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) beschrieben.
  • EVB-IT Pflege S
    • Dieser Vertragstyp regelt die Pflichten beim Pflegeaufwand an Standardsoftware. Dies können je nach Vereinbarung die Überlassung von Upgrades oder neue Versionen oder die Mängel-Behebung sein. Dies beinhaltet nicht die eine Weiterentwicklung oder Fehlerbeseitigung der Software, lediglich eine Bereitstellung der Fehlerkorrektur(en) hierfür.
  • EVB-IT Dienstleistung
    • Der Vertrag verpflichtet den Auftragnehmer zur Erbringung folgender Dienstleistungen (oder einer Auswahl dieser): Beratung, Schulung, Projekt-/Einführungsunterstützung.
  • EVB-IT Instandhaltung
    • Die zu erbringenden Leistungen sind u.a.: Wiederherstellung der Betriebsbereitschaft (Störungsbeseitigung), Aufrechterhaltung (vorbeugend). Dieser Vertragstyp ist ausschließlich auf Hardware (nicht Software) anzuwenden.
  • EVB-IT Überlassung Typ A
    • Dieser Vertragstyp kommt bei dem Verkauf /einer dauerhaften Überlassung von Standardsoftware zum Einsatz (somit nur bei Einmalvergütung, nicht bei zusätzlichen vertraglichen Leistungen).
  • EVB-IT Überlassung Typ B
    • Dieser Vertragstyp kommt im Gegensatz zur EVB-IT Überlassung Typ A bei periodischen Zahlungen (z.B. monatlich, quartalsweise, jährlich) bei befristeter Nutzung zum Einsatz.
System-EVB-IT Verträge:
  • EVB-IT System
    • Dieser Systemvertrag betrifft die Umsetzung eines gesamten IT-Systems. Die Hardware und/oder Software.
  • EVB-IT Service
    • Dieser Vertragstyp regelt vertraglich zu erbringende Wartungs- und Serviceleistungen.
  • EVB-IT Erstellung
    • Dieser Vertragstyp findet Anwendung für die Erstellung und Anpassung von Software. Bei Bedarf umfasst dieser Typ auch den darauffolgenden Pflegeaufwand.
  • EVB-IT Systemlieferung
    • Gegenstand dieses Vertrags ist die Lieferung eines IT-Systems aus weitgehend Standard-Komponenten. Nur kleinere Anpassungen werden an diesem Standardsystem vorgenommen. Dies können Integrationen und Customization der Komponenten sein.

EVB-IT contracts at a glance


Origin and background of the EVB-IT contracts

The BVB Special Terms and Conditions of Contract were introduced in 1972 and regulated the procurement of information technology in public administration. The introduction of the EVB-IT ensured that the contractual basis was modernised and adapted to the current requirements of information technology.


The 11 EVB-IT contract types

The contracts are divided into two types (these contracts are available for download in various file formats (including PDF and MS Word) on the website of the Federal Government for Information Technology).

Basic EVB-IT contracts:

  • EVB-IT Purchase
    • This basic contract is to be used for the purchase of unlimited use of hardware and, if applicable, standard software.
  • EVB-IT Cloud
    • The agreements on Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Managed Cloud Services (MCS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are described for the basic contract EVB-IT Cloud.
  • EVB-IT Maintenance S
    • This contract type regulates the obligations for the maintenance of standard software. Depending on the agreement, this can be the provision of upgrades or new versions or the rectification of defects. This does not include the further development or error correction of the software, only the provision of the error correction(s) for this.
  • EVB-IT Service
    • The contract obliges the contractor to provide the following services (or a selection thereof): Consultancy, training, project/implementation support .
  • EVB-IT Maintenance
    • The services to be provided include Restoration of operational readiness (fault rectification), maintenance (preventive). This type of contract applies exclusively to hardware (not software).
  • EVB-IT Transfer Type A
    • This contract type is used for the sale/permanent transfer of standard software (therefore only for one-off payment, not for additional contractual services).
  • EVB-IT Transfer Type B
    • In contrast to the EVB-IT licence type A, this contract type is used for periodic payments (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually) for a limited period of use.
System EVB-IT contracts:
  • EVB-IT System
    • This system contract concerns the implementation of an entire IT system. The hardware and/or software.
  • EVB-IT Service
    • This contract type regulates maintenance and services to be provided by contract.
  • EVB-IT Creation
    • This contract type is used for the creation and customisation of software. If required, this type also includes the subsequent maintenance work.
  • EVB-IT System Delivery
    • The subject of this contract is the delivery of an IT system consisting largely of standard components. Only minor adjustments are made to this standard system. These can be integrations and customisation of the components.
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