Digital platform for sales and marketing
How a digital platform can support sales and branding
Customers' expectations of companies are high to offer products and services individually adapted to their needs and requirements. In order to meet these demands, the consistent introduction of a digital enterprise platform with central data management is very important.
The goal must be to recognize the needs of the customers, to provide the appropriate products and services, or even to exceed the expectations of the customers. However, this is only possible through a very good relationship with the customer or potential customer. Through a digital platform, all current information about customers can be maintained, viewed and acted upon in a customer-specific manner.

The introduction of a new software for the sales and marketing department requires a conscious strategic decision of the management. In addition to these departments, other areas of the company are usually automatically involved, such as the IT department and Human Resources.
The choice of software depends on the goals set and forms the basis for how these goals can best be achieved. What data is to be collected? How will the data be processed? Should this data be used to generate analyses?
In order to improve customer loyalty, a digital platform for sales is very often used, also in combination with a customer relationship management (CRM) system.
The platform for sales and marketing is a module of our powerful digital platform TQG businessApp cloud platform.