The pillars of the New Way of Working

Jos Bischoff, Managing Director of BCT Germany GmbH

Digitalization is still a controversial topic for companies in 2017. However, young companies in particular are taking advantage of the opportunities for disruptive business models by focusing their services on the new needs of their customers, suppliers and partners. Consequently, the changing demands for individuality, mobility and networking also influence the internal working environment - spatially, technically and organizationally.

With the Green Paper “Working 4.0”, published by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in April 2015, the challenges and opportunities of the new way of working have also become a nationwide topic from a political perspective. The starting point is digitalization. It is generating new innovations in all industries - from manufacturing to the service and public sectors. Gradually, new technologies are even leading to entire business models adapting to digital change or being completely overhauled. Young companies in particular are questioning the traditional forms of business on the market and countering them with new, disruptive business models. Based on these developments, the American IT market research company Gartner has put forward the drastic theory that by 2017, around 20% of all market-leading companies will be overtaken by all companies founded after the year 2000. Established business models already seem to support this thesis: streaming portals such as Netflix are replacing traditional video store services with their flexible on-demand television offerings; Uber offers an alternative to regular cab services with its online ride-hailing service; tax consultants provide their clients with cloud-based platforms that allow documents and information to be exchanged much more quickly and efficiently. What all these new business models have in common is that they place customers, suppliers and partners and their digitalized needs at the heart of their product developments and services.

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Führung wird immer wichtiger
Zweifellos, die meisten Unternehmen werden sich in den kommenden Jahren stark verändern. Neben ihren Strukturen und den Arbeitsbeziehungen in ihnen werden sich oft auch ihre Geschäftsmodelle wandeln. Doch eines wird sich nicht verändern: der Mensch Mitarbeiter. Er wird sich weiterhin Halt und Orientierung wünschen – gerade wenn im Unternehmen selbst und in dessen Umfeld scheinbar alles im Fluss ist.

Doch wer soll ihm dieses Gefühl vermitteln, wenn im Unternehmen sozusagen alles permanent auf dem Prüfstand steht? Letztlich können dies nur die Führungskräfte sein. Deshalb ist die These nicht gewagt: Führung wird künftig in den Unternehmen immer wichtiger werden – gerade weil es im Unternehmenskontext sonst nichts mehr gibt, worauf man als Mitarbeiter bauen und vertrauen kann.

Führung muss sich ändern
Soweit, so beruhigend. Das bedeutet jedoch keineswegs, dass sich Führung nicht verändert. Im Gegenteil! Die Art zu führen, muss sich im digitalen Zeitalter radikal wandeln. Denn folgende Entwicklungslinien sind in den Unternehmen unverkennbar.

  • Die für den Unternehmenserfolg relevanten Leistungen werden zunehmend von bereichs- und oft sogar unternehmensübergreifenden Teams erbracht.
  • Die für die Kunden erbrachten Lösungen setzen immer mehr Spezialwissen voraus, das die Führungskräfte oft selbst nicht haben.
  • Die von den Unternehmen erarbeiteten Strategien, Planungen usw. haben eine immer kürzere Gültigkeitsdauer. Und:
  • Die Führungskräfte und ihre Bereiche stehen immer häufiger vor Herausforderungen, für die sie noch keine Lösung haben.

Wie ist in einem solchen Umfeld erfolgreiche Führung möglich – wenn die Führungskräfte einen immer geringeren (disziplinarischen) Zugriff auf ihre Mitarbeiter haben und – salopp formuliert – auch nicht schlauer als diese sind?

Führungskräfte müssen „Marken“ werden
Nach dem klassischen Befehl- und Gehorsam-Prinzip ist dies nicht möglich; ebenso wenig dadurch, dass die Führungskräfte versuchen, sich als Alles-besser-Wisser zu profilieren. Der einzig mögliche Lösungsweg ist: Die Führungskräfte müssen sich zu echten Leadern entwickeln, also Persönlichkeitsmarken, denen die Mitarbeiter vertrauen.

Eine Marke kennzeichnen zwei Faktoren. Erstens: Sie ist aufgrund ihres Auftritts beziehungsweise Erscheinungsbilds wiedererkennbar. Und zweitens: Sie gibt den Kunden ein klares Leistungsversprechen – so wie dies zum Beispiel die Unternehmen Audi und BMW mit ihren Slogans „Vorsprung durch Technik“ beziehungsweise „Freude am Fahren“ tun.

Erkennbar für gewisse Werte stehen
Ähnlich verhält es sich mit Fühungskräften, die eine „Persönlichkeitsmarke“ sind. Auch sie stehen für ihr Umfeld erkennbar für konkrete Werte und Überzeugungen, die sich in ihrem Verhalten zeigen. Also lautet eine Anforderung an Führungskräfte, die eine Persönlichkeitsmarke werden möchten: Sie müssen sich ihrer Werte und Überzeugungen sowie Stärken bewusst werden – also darüber, was sie als Person einzigartig und unverwechselbar macht. Dazu zählt auch das Kennen der eigenen Schwächen. Denn erst aus dem Bewusstsein unserer Stärken und Schwächen erwächst das erforderliche Selbstverständnis für unsere mögliche Wirkung. Und dieses hilft uns wiederum, nicht nur an „Schönwetter-Tagen“, sondern auch, wenn es (im Unternehmen oder Markt) „stürmt und schneit“ eine souveräne Haltung einzunehmen und zu zeigen. Und dies ist wiederum ein Signal für unsere Umwelt: Dieser Marke beziehungsweise Person kannst du vertrauen.

Sich präsentieren und vermarkten
„Werden Sie als Führungskraft eine Marke und präsentieren und vermarkten Sie sich entsprechend“ – diese Aufforderung stößt bei vielen Führungskräften auf Vorbehalte. Denn mit dem Begriff „Vermarktung“ assoziieren sie Attribute wie „schrill“ und „laut“. Doch nur wenige Marken sind so schrill und laut wie Afri Cola. Weit mehr setzen auf ein unaufgeregtes Under-Statement.
Ähnlich verhält es bei der Selbst- Vermarktung von Führungskräften. Auch hier geht es nicht darum, stets am lautesten zu schreien, sondern immer wieder nach außen zu zeigen und zu artikulieren,

  • wofür man steht und
  • was einem als Person wichtig ist.

Denn so entstehen Glaubwürdigkeit und somit Vertrauen. Und diese Faktoren werden für den Führungserfolg in der von Veränderung geprägten VUCA-Welt immer wichtiger.

What all these new business models have in common is that they place customers and suppliers' needs at the center of their product developments and services.

The numerous new communication and interaction tools also play an important role in this context:
Above all, they enable (potential) customers to actively approach the company via social media portals, for example, and to publicly express inquiries, but also praise and criticism.
publicly. Services must therefore be much faster and more transparent. This is based on three strategic and technical components:
Bricks, Bytes and Behavior. This refers to the flexible design of workplaces (bricks), the establishment of effective IT solutions (bytes) and the realization of a shared corporate vision (behaviour). They are the main pillars of the new way of working within a company and the starting point for its digital transformation - and its economic success.
transformation - and its economic success. 

Bricks: Flexible workplace design 
In many companies, we can already see that traditional, fixed office concepts - both spatially and organizationally - are gradually breaking down. The new way of working, also known as smart working, takes place in flexible workspaces (bricks) that are adapted to the respective activities of the employees. Using mobile partition walls, these can be used as individual workstations or team offices for larger and smaller groups, for example. Social meeting points such as lounge areas and coffee corners promote the spontaneous exchange of ideas and knowledge between colleagues. In separate quiet zones, employees find appropriate areas for creative work that requires special concentration and for regeneration.
This form of workplace-independent working is primarily made possible by replacing stationary PC systems with mobile devices such as tablets and laptops in line with the motto “Bring Your Own Devices”. As these are integrated into the company's own IT infrastructure via cloud computing, working from home and on the move is also becoming increasingly important.on the move is becoming increasingly important. The activities of employees are less locally defined; they are spread across different places and times and may even shift directly to the customer, partner or supplier. This mobility brings with it practical networking while at the same time giving the individual independence.

Bytes: Effective IT solutions
In line with these changes in space requirements and utilization on the one hand, technological innovations are required on the other in order to do justice to the principle of smart working. working principle. The solution: Intelligent work tools (bytes) that communicate with each other and thus support employees throughout their work processes throughout the entire workflow. Some companies use a digital archive, for example, in which all incoming and outgoing documents are stored in digitalized form. This is connected to other software components via an established interface. These include, for example, input management tools that classify paper-based and electronic correspondence and documents, then extract the data they contain and export it to downstream systems - DMS, financial accounting, ERP, CRM, etc. In this way, individual recurring processes are already digitally mapped and standardized throughout the company.

EIM is therefore a kind of virtual organizer with which information can be exchanged transparently, user-friendly and faster.can be exchanged transparently, user-friendly and faster.

Companies go one step further towards a holistic IT infrastructure by establishing Enterprise Information Management (EIM). This standardizes the entire existing information landscape as such as well as the work in all departments. The individual EIM components help to bundle the wealth of documents and data that reach the company every day, filter the knowledge they contain and, above all, make it usable for individual work processes and thus economically viable. Big data should become smart data. To achieve this companies must first clarify Which data is important and valid, and which is less so? This means that the use of data is also important: Quality over quantity.

The major advantage of a holistic EIM over individual, static stand-alone solutions in the various departments: As central software, it recognizes the process in which the individual clerk is involved and knows which further work steps follow or need to be completed. In order to link the content of the process to the clerk, it collects the required information from all the systems and knowledge sources used to ensure that it is up-to-date and complete. The respective clerk is automatically provided with this information via a responsive interface in a context-sensitive and comprehensible manner in order to process it. Via cloud-based solutions, this is also possible regardless of time and place. In addition, information can be made available to all relevant players along the entire value chain. EIM is therefore a kind of virtual organizer with which information can be exchanged in a transparent, user-friendly and faster way. In this way, networked and mobile action within and beyond the company is promoted - and ultimately even the final processes can be controlled efficiently. A development that contributes significantly to optimizing the company's service quality.

Existing business processes can only be changed effectively if the desired change is accepted at all levels of the company. be changed effectively.

Behavior: A shared corporate vision
It is crucial to establish these spatially and technically optimized work concepts (Behaviour) gradually and carefully. A digital awareness must prevail throughout the company. To this end, all employees must be shown the benefits of the new way of working and process optimization at an early stage: For example, the fact that digitized documents can be retrieved much faster with the help of a cross-departmental IT solution than in space-bound paper files. It is also important to highlight the advantages of a possible reorganization of existing business models. Good change management is therefore essential. The management must exemplify the new approaches as a shared vision of the company and actively involve employees and support them in the transformation. It is also important to actively dispel concerns about cloud computing, for example, in the form of training and further education opportunities and to create incentives for current and future employees.

A digital transformation is therefore a long-term, future-oriented reorganization, that ultimately determines the success or failure of the company.

As the bricks and bytes illustrated show, smart working places a greater focus on the individual. Self-management, self-development, self-discipline and self-confidence are important keywords. The new way of working brings with it greater freedom, but above all it works in accordance with agreed arrangements. On the part of the employer, a higher degree of trust of trust that employees will also complete their tasks independently when working from home. In turn, employees put themselves in the position of being available beyond the traditional working hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Existing business processes can only be changed effectively if the desired change is accepted at all levels of the company.

Future tools of smart working 
Advocates of “digital Darwinism” claim that “if you don't move with the times, you move with the times”. This highly dramatic prediction contains a serious approach. Only if companies strengthen their core competencies through the use of digitalization will they be able to remain competitive in the future. The pillars outlined above - bricks, bytes and behavior - form an important basis for this. A digital transformation is therefore a long-term, future-oriented reorganization that ultimately determines the success or failure of the company. It can be realized above all by regularly evaluating the company's own strategy: Which trends and developments are important for the company? Which ones does it need to actively respond to with a view to the future - even beyond departmental, process and fundamental company structures? As a technology, EIM can be used in the future primarily in the form of two practical tools. On the employee side, these will satisfy the desire for individual tools and the need for individual service on the part of customers, partners and suppliers.

A digital transformation is therefore a long-term, future-oriented reorganization, that ultimately determines the success or failure of the company.

Function-specific apps 
Function-specific apps, for example, support individual employees in their daily processes, optimize and accelerate general workflows and ensure that the entire company increases its efficiency. entire company increases its efficiency. They meet the fundamental need to be able to work with mobile devices regardless of working hours and workplace; at the same time At the same time, they have functions that are tailored to the specific working methods of the clerk. If they are responsible for checking an invoice amount, for example, they can approve or reject it using the corresponding button. The document is then automatically forwarded to the next person responsible.With these new apps, employees can carry out their daily tasks almost intuitively. After all, the user interface does not differ significantly from those applications that are used privately.

Modular web portals
Another technological change is the establishment of social media portals as interaction tools. They provide a practical alternative - for the customer - to the
classic form of communication via letter, telephone or e-mail. Companies use connected tools to process service requests in real time, regardless of the channel. These include input management tools that classify paper-based and electronic correspondence and documents, then extract the data they contain and export it to downstream systems - DMS, financial accounting, ERP, CRM, etc. - for example. In this way, individual recurring processes are already digitally mapped and standardized throughout the company.
Whether function-specific app or modular web portal: the internal information flows and those between companies and all relevant players in the value chain are structured and holistic internal and external networking is promoted. The advantage of both platform technologies is that they can be easily integrated into existing processes and processes and can be expanded and adapted as required.

When used in a targeted manner, knowledge as a company's most important commodity offers a clear competitive advantage.

The Bitkom Digital Office Index published new figures on the “State of digitization in German companies” in May 2016. These state that 87 percent of the participants surveyed participants see the digital transformation of society and the world of work as a great opportunity for their own company. Around half of them use IT solutions for processing and archiving archiving documents and information as well as for process control, for example when approving invoices. In this way, the knowledge contained in documents can be can be collected and filtered profitably. When used in a targeted manner, knowledge as a company's most important commodity offers a clear competitive advantage.

By implementing the three strategic and technical pillars of the new way of working - Bricks, Bytes and Behavior - companies are creating a basis for a profitable exchange of information - both within the company and along the entire value chain. The pillars therefore provide the impetus for a digital transformation, especially for existing companies. However, it is crucial to consciously deal with the technological, communicative and organizational possibilities and innovations. This is the only way to implement future-oriented concepts that harmonize the skills of employees with the company's own business model.

Having knowledge and information available in the company at all times and using it optimally - this is what the innovative, cross-industry software solutions from BCT Germany stand for. software solutions from BCT Germany. With its component-based and modular products in the field of Enterprise Information Management, BCT supports BCT supports software vendors, IT service providers, cloud service providers and other companies in expanding their existing product and service portfolio. to expand their existing product and service portfolio. In this way, they can adapt existing business models to the digital transformation or develop entirely new ones and generate added value for their respective customers. generate added value for their respective customers.

BCT was founded in the Netherlands in 1985; under the leadership of Managing Director Jos Bischoff, the company has been represented in Germany as BCT Deutschland in Aachen, Germany, since 2010. Including the additional branch in Belgium, a total of around 170 employees work for BCT work for BCT. Currently, over 150,000 users work in a large number of international companies and organizations from industry and commerce, healthcare and the service and public sectors work with the software developer's EIM technology. BCT Germany has been enrolled in the Smart Logistics Campus Cluster at RWTH Aachen University since 2014 and is involved in Germany-wide associations such as Bitkom e.V. and eco - Association of the Internet Industry e.V.

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