Let's talk about "C"
No, not about the "C" in "Corona", which now, in spring 2021, after more than a year, still seems to be holding us captive. We really can't hear it any more and wish that "it's all right now". I, too, would like to have a shared experience and meet in person in Leipzig at "DiALOG 2021 - Expert Forum for Digital Change".
Let me formulate a few thoughts about the "C" in "ECM" (Enterprise Content Management). It is often found in statements such as "Content is everything." The idea is not new and Dr Kampffmeyer already talked about it in his lectures a few years ago. Nevertheless, I would like to take up his thoughts once again.

The "C" in "ECM" should change its meaning right now. The technical term has been constantly reinvented in recent years (especially in terms of marketing). From ECM to EIM (Enterprise Information Management; sometimes also referred to as ECM 2.0). Our national umbrella organisation, which is celebrating its 30th birthday this year, has also adapted its name accordingly. The "Verband Organisations- und Informationssysteme e.V." (VOI e.V.) now sees itself as the "professional association for providers and users in the field of Enterprise Information Management (EIM)". The abbreviations IIM (Intelligent Information Management) through to simply "just" IM (Information Management) can now be found in market publications. Gartner changed its Magic Quadrant and the following could be read: "ECM is dead - Content Services Platforms and Components" (CSP) was the new formulation2 But no, I don't want to write about the "C" in "Content" either.
The obvious thing to talk about now would be the "C" in "Collaboration". Collaboration has always been part of ECM - at least in the model of the industry association AIIM (Association for Intelligent Information Management). At the moment, supporting collaborative activities is one of the major challenges for more efficient (joint) work in the "new home office world". Some of the classic ECM providers integrate collaboration functions that were previously reserved for pure groupware directly into their solutions. Others provide options for linking team software that is already established on the market.
I don't want to comment on the "C" in "Cloud" in connection with ECM here either, although a clear trend is emerging. Cloud solutions are highly valued from a cost perspective. Five years ago, the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (Bitkom) stated: "The use of cloud computing offers great advantages not only for large companies, but especially for SMEs."
There will certainly be no going back to the "old habits".
So what? I would like to take a closer look at the "C" in "Change". Not only because the DiALOG Forum 2021 is subtitled "Wind of Change". The invitation clearly states: ""Wind of Change" - The digital transformation presents us all with major changes and challenges, now more than ever." This is exactly where I want to start. Of course, it is also important to me that the "C" in "Climate" is not forgotten, but that would take us too far away from the actual topic. Karsten Neumann from Roland Berger GmbH wrote in an article: "Traditional change management all too often focuses on individual measures. Even before the corona crisis, this led to the sobering result that 70% of all transformations in companies fail."
I have now been involved in ECM projects for over 15 years. It was never really about the product to be introduced, but always about the best solution for the respective company or the part of the company that had undergone the transformation. If the project for "Enterprise Content Management" is understood as a project for "Enterprise Change Management", the rate of failed attempts is significantly lower. Change management is described as the "ongoing changes to the structures of an organisation in order to adapt to changing environmental and general conditions." The introduction of a solution in the field of ECM is not the implementation of software, but the integration into the company-specific processes or their concrete change. This requires enormous adaptability, especially from the employees involved. First and foremost, software is implemented that helps to "manage" documents. From capture and processing to storage and legally compliant retention. Sometimes even beyond that to archiving. Often, however, there is no strategic approach to establishing structures and processes throughout the organisation. However, the most important factor in introducing such solutions and implementing the corporate strategy is the people, not the software or hardware.
This is precisely where I currently see the opportunity, as "old habits" were forcibly thrown overboard in many companies in the spring of last year. Employees had to be quickly put in a position to carry out their work from their home offices. One could sometimes be forgiven for thinking that the applicable safety regulations were overridden "regardless of the consequences". Incidentally, this is another "C" in "Compliance" that is worth thinking about. What we had often wished for, disruptive change, was triggered by external pressure. Video conferencing instead of business trips and working on documents together online instead of printing them out and coordinating them in a long process - that was suddenly possible. Yes, there is still some catching up to do when it comes to digitalisation. Invoices that are generated electronically are still printed out and sent, but the proportion of digital invoices and the associated opportunity for digital processes is constantly increasing. Have we supported our employees enough in this revolution? Unfortunately, not always. On the other hand, I have had the positive experience that many things that previously seemed "unthinkable" were suddenly possible "just like that". Employees have contributed their ideas, become creative and developed great solutions. I hope that companies can maintain this momentum and, in some places, retain and further develop change management that was perhaps born out of necessity.
There will certainly not be a return to the "old habits". I would therefore like to quote from the DiALOG Forum website from the invitation to the event in September 2021: "Whether in large or small companies, whether as a team player or lone fighter, the motto is clear: "Be there and help shape it!" "Be the change".

Ulrich Schmidt is a Senior Business Consultant at id-netsolutions GmbH. The consulting and software company offers medium-sized and large companies throughout Germany sustainable IT-supported solutions for shaping digital change. Since 2001, id-netsolutions GmbH has been a leader in the field of digital business processes and develops industry-wide standards. Its expertise lies in consulting and the successful implementation of solutions for enterprise content management, incoming invoice processing, document and workflow management and archiving. The expansion of the portfolio to include AI, cloud and compliance topics is part of the company's own digital transformation. The company is based in Kayhude near Hamburg. Other locations are Hagen, Mannheim and Warin.