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Webinar | The time for excuses is over: This is how digital working works!

From A for "Agile" to Z for "Generation Z": company-wide collaboration, transparency of contracts, and a clear definition of responsibilities and processes - all this is also possible in a paperless, digital, and location-independent manner. What consequences this has for the classic office workplace, how you can get employees excited about the new working world and what pitfalls need to be mastered - you can find out all this and more in our webinar. We look forward to seeing you!

You will gain insights into the TQG businessApp cloud platform the smart contract management software smartLCM Vertragsmanagement as well as our solution for modern, digital file management smartLCM Aktenmanagement and their various uses and applications. In an exchange with our TQG experts, you will have the opportunity to get direct answers to your questions.

Next date: 26 March (Wed), 10:00 - 10:40 am

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