
Apps & Workflows

A brief overview of the apps & workflows: Below you will find a collection of our tried-and-tested digital workflows that you can use to quickly and easily ensure process reliability in your organisation.

Overview of our different LCM Apps

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Self-Service NDA

Automated creation of standard non-disclosure agreements (NDA) without having to consult the legal department.

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Self-Service NDA

Automated creation of standard non-disclosure agreements (NDA) without having to consult the legal department.

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Enables the anonymous capture of all alleged activities reported by employees. Organize, assess and manage whistleblower reports with a secure, centralized solution driven by workflows.

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Enables the anonymous capture of all alleged activities reported by employees. Organize, assess and manage whistleblower reports with a secure, centralized solution driven by workflows.

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Legal Intake

Request to your own legal department, in which certain information is requested in order to categorize the request and forward it to the appropriate legal department for processing.

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Legal Intake

Request to your own legal department, in which certain information is requested in order to categorize the request and forward it to the appropriate legal department for processing.

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Digital Signature

Standard signature workflow for all technologically provided external 3rd party integrations such as Adobe Sign or DocuSign.

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Digital Signature

Standard signature workflow for all technologically provided external 3rd party integrations such as Adobe Sign or DocuSign.

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Self-Service Contract Creation

ContractBuilder - simple and automated creation of standard contracts with dynamic clauses and variable content.

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Self-Service Vertragserstellung

ContractBuilder - simple and automated creation of standard contracts with dynamic clauses and variable content.

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Self-Service Contract Termination

Terminate contracts with just a few clicks and automatically create termination letters that are stored in the appropriate contract record.

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Self-Service Contract Termination

Terminate contracts with just a few clicks and automatically create termination letters that are stored in the appropriate contract record.

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Internal Audit Note

Easy creation of internal reviews by data protection officers for processing directories in accordance with GDPR requirements.

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Internal Audit Note

Easy creation of internal reviews by data protection officers for processing directories in accordance with GDPR requirements.

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Self-Service Privacy Policy

Intuitive creation of a privacy policy 
along a guided, secure process with GDPR-compliant information blocks and automated file generation.

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Self-Service Datenschutzerklärung

Intuitive Erstellung einer Datenschutzerklärung 
entlang eines geführten, sicheren Ablaufs mit DSGVO- konformen Auskunfts-/Informationsblöcken und automatisierte Aktenerzeugung.

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Data Protection Request

Manage, respond to and track employee requests to the data protection department easily and transparently.


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Anfrage an Datenschutz

Einfach und transparent Anfragen von Mitarbeitenden an die Datenschutz-Abteilung managen, beantworten und nachverfolgen.

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Data Breach Notification

Reporting of a data breach or similar along a guided secure process with standard queries and interviews as well as audit-proof documentation of the workflow.

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Meldung einer Datenpanne o.ä. entlang eines geführten sicheren Ablaufs mit Standardabfragen und Interviews sowie einer revisionssicheren Dokumentation des Workflows.

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4-Eyes Deletion Workflow

Approval and execution of deletions in accordance with GDPR-compliant best practice notation using the dual control principle.

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Genehmigung und Ausführung von Löschungen nach DSGVO-konformer Best-Practice-Notation im 4-Augen-Prinzip.

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Document Approval

All actions required for document approval in one workflow!

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Alle Aktionen, die für die Dokumentenfreigabe notwendig sind, in einem Workflow!

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Document Intelligent Questionnaire - Structured and automated recording of questionnaires, sample contracts or forms, which are read in per template and integrated into existing files/contracts.

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Document Intelligent Questionnaire - strukturierte und automatisierte Erfassung von Fragekatalogen, Musterverträgen oder Formularen, die je Schablone eingelesen und in bestehende Akten/Verträge integriert werden.

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Opportunity Management

Sales workflow in CRM for the complete opportunity lifecycle, including opportunity creation with simultaneous file creation, offer negotiation and sales handover after ordering.

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Vertriebsworkflow im CRM für den kompletten Opportunitylifecycle mit u.a. Opportunityerstellungen mit gleichzeitiger Aktenanlage, Angebotsverhandlung und Vertriebsübergabe nach Bestellung.

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Digital Authorization Request

Workflow for the temporary assignment of an authorization to contracts or files.

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Digitale Berechtigungsanfrage

Workflow für die temporäre Vergabe einer Berechtigung an Verträgen oder Akten.

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Supplier registration

Supplier registration along a guided documented reporting process with automatic information to the supplier administrator.

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Lieferantenerfassung entlang eines geführten dokumentierten Meldevorganges mit automatischen Informationen an den Lieferanten-Administrators.

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Supplier pre-qualification

Risk-qualified creation of an opportunity with selection of the supplier and a risk assessment.

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Risikoqualifizierte Anlage einer Opportunity mit Auswahl des Lieferanten und einer Risikobewertung.


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Human Resources Inquiry

Inquiry to your own HR department, in which certain information is requested in order to categorize the request and forward it to Human Resources for appropriate processing.

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Anfrage an Personalabteilung

Anfrage an die eigene Personalabteilung, bei der bestimmte Angaben abgefragt werden, um die Anfrage kategorisieren und der passenden Bearbeitung durch Human Resource zuführen zu können.

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... and many more

Many more workflows are available upon request.
Don't hesitate, get started!

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