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Steffen Schaar

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Expert & Adivsory
The Quality Group GmbH

Steffen Schaar has been a member of the management team and Head of Sales and Marketing at The Quality Group GmbH since 2011. He began his career in 1989 with a degree in computer science from the Technical University. He then worked for four years as Head of Development of a production control centre for logistics. This was followed by five years of project management and consulting in corporate processes for personnel management and planning. For the last ten years, Steffen Schaar has been responsible for Human Resource Solutions as Director Unit Business and member of the Management Board.


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Bucket wheel excavator for digital transformation

The businessPaaS: "Service - clarity - cost awareness".

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From enterprise information management (EIM) to ECM

Vom EIM zum ECM. Wettbewerbsfaktor Nr.1 in Unternehmen ist Wissen.

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The path to intelligent information management

Dr Ulrich Kampffmeyer can be declared the "forefather" of the clear positioning of the term "EIM".

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Smart administration with EIM

Information - Communication - People
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Vom Enterprise-Info.-Mgmt. (EIM) zum From enterprise information management (EIM) to ECMECM

Vom EIM zum ECM. Wettbewerbsfaktor Nr.1 in Unternehmen ist Wissen.

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Digitalisation and Legal Tech

Digitalisation is turning everything upside down.

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Der Weg zum intelligenten Informationsmanagement

 Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer kann als "Urvater" der klaren Positionierung des Begriffes "EIM" deklariert werden. 
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GDPR - Respectful handling or scaremongering

How sustainability, transparency and commitment can be lived in practice.
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The strategic move to success

How EIM turns your next move into the perfect strategy.
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Vom Enterprise-Info.-Mgmt. (EIM) zum From enterprise information management (EIM) to ECMECM

Vom EIM zum ECM. Wettbewerbsfaktor Nr.1 in Unternehmen ist Wissen.

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Ambassador for the new age

Ambassador and convinced trendsetter for the ‘new’ age of digital challenges
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Smart - mITtendrin statt nur DIGITAL

"Digital" sein ist IN, dabei sein ist alles, denn wir haben ja ein Smartphone.
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Wandel beginnt in den Köpfen

Digitaler Wandel: Mensch, Motivation, Methodik

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BPM as a knowledge base for enterprise information management

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